ELM Enterprise Manager is frequently updated. As bugs are fixed and minor enhancements accepted, new maintenance releases are posted to the website. These current versions offer the best ELM Enterprise Manager available. As a result, updating ELM at the earliest convenience is always recommended.

The benefits of regularly updating include:

  • Highest Level of User Experience
  • Accelerated Product Support
  • Minimize the Update Impact in a Production Environment

Products Affected

ELM Enterprise Manager 7.0


    1. Download the current version of ELM Enterprise Manager 7.0. The .exe installation package is available after a short registration at Product Downloads. Save it on the ELM Server system.
    2. Close all ELM Consoles or ELM Dashboards.
    3. Run the EEM70 installation package as an Administrator. The Wizard will start up and identify the installed components. Add the Service Logon Password and agree to the ELM Enterprise Manager license terms. Execute the Upgrade button.
    4. On the final Install Successful page of the Wizard, confirm the ELM Console and ELM Dashboard are selected. They will automatically open when the Finish button is executed.
    5. Upgrade Service Agents. From the ELM Console, expand Monitoring and Management then Agents and Monitors Library and right click All Agents. From the context menu, select All Tasks and Reinstall Agents. Follow the Agent Deployment Wizard, it will automate the Agent update process. Select the Finish to complete.
    6. Confirm all Agents have been upgraded to ELM 7.0.xxx. Their version is listed on the All Agents results pane in the ELM Console.
    7. Connect the ELM Dashboard to the ELM Server. Select the top Application Menu tab in the ELM Dashboard and execute the Connect Command. It will open a Server Connect tab. Enter the ELM Server name in the Resolvable Name Field and confirm the availability of the Port selection. Then, execute the Connect button. It is located below the Message box.
    8. Done.